Rony Mawad

Rony Mawad

Software Engineer

Full Stack Developer AI Student Quantum Computing Enthusiast
Summer 2022 (May - August)

Software Developper [Intern] @ TEC Energy

This challenging role tested my accumulated knowledge, aligning with my enthusiasm for tackling demanding tasks. My primary responsibility involved refurbishing a .NET (C#) based desktop application, which was initially inefficient and poorly structured. This application was crucial for traders to access charts and forecasts from the data science team. Additionally, I optimized SQL queries to enhance execution speeds and innovatively developed a React web application for monitoring database health and web scraping activities. My contributions were recognized uniquely with an offer to return.

Summer 2021 (May - August)

Software Quality Assurance Engineer [Intern] @ Matrox

During my first internship, I was introduced to the real-life software development lifecycle. This experience significantly enhanced my skillset, teaching me the value of teamwork, especially in collaboration with fellow interns on challenging tasks. I learned the critical role of soft skills and effective communication in project success. My key contribution was developing Python scripts to automate manual testing processes, significantly saving time and resources in my department. This effort was reflected in my exceptional intern evaluation score of 4.9 out of 5.

September 2020 - April 2024

Computer Science Student @ Concordia University

As an undergraduate student, my academic journey encompassed a comprehensive range of subjects pivotal to computer science. I gained proficiency in Data Structures and Algorithms, and Web Development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My studies also included Computer Networks, Advanced Programming Design with C++, Operating Systems, Design Patterns, and Software Engineering Principles, primarily utilizing Java. Additionally, I explored various Programming Paradigms through C, Lisp, Python, and Prolog. My education culminated in an in-depth study of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning, applying Pytorch and underpinning these studies with a strong foundation in Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Probability & Statistics.

August 2018 - May 2020

Sciences informatiques et mathématiques DEC @ Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne

The DEC (Diplôme d'études collégiales) program significantly enhanced my self-taught programming skills. It provided a structured approach to learning, with a focus on Object-Oriented Programming and Game Development, primarily using Java. The culmination of this degree involved a collaborative graduation project with the city of Pointe-Claire and the University of Montreal. This project, aimed at assisting students with special needs in communicating with professors and completing homework, served as my introduction to full-stack development. For this, we utilized a technology stack comprising Flutter, Express.js, and MongoDB Atlas.



Salle Du Temps

A full-stack fitness mobile application designed to combine workout organization and social media interactivity using Flutter, Node.js (GraphQL) and PostgreSQL



Tibbers (Discord Bot)

A Discord bot made to detect insults/toxicity using Pytorch

Swipe Left / Press Right Arrow Key
  • Spring
  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Multithreading
  • First Language Learned
  • Django
  • Pytorch
  • Selenium
  • .NET
  • LINQ
  • Multithreading
  • Windows Presentation Foundation
  • Node.js (Express.js)
  • React
  • Astro
  • iOS, Android and Desktop Developpment (Flutter)
  • SQL (PostgreSQL)
  • NoSQL (MongoDB)
  • Github Actions
  • Docker / Kubernetes
  • AWS EC2 / S3
  • Visual Studio & Code
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • ClickUp
  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • ConUHacks VI (2022)
  • Hackathon UDEM (2019)

Welcome to my personal website. As you seek to learn more about me, I'm pleased to share some insights into my journey and passions. My relationship with computers began at an early age, dating back to when my family first acquired a computer. Despite my youth, I quickly developed a fascination with this groundbreaking technology. This early exposure laid the foundation for my path in technology!

My ambition to become a software engineer has always been a driving force, yet my journey includes diverse experiences that have significantly shaped my character. During my teenage years, I was actively involved in the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet program and the Scouts, experiences that enriched my personal development. Between 2016 and 2019, I honed my skills in marksmanship through the Cadet program. In high school, I utilized my spare time to delve into CGI and VFX, mastering tools like After Effects and Cinema 4D. In recent years, my interests have expanded to include fitness and a keen interest in human psychology and self-improvement, drawing inspiration from works like 'The 48 Laws of Power' and 'The Compound Effect'. Music holds a special place in my heart, with artists such as The Weeknd, J. Cole, Michael Jackson, PNL, and Kendrick Lamar resonating deeply with me.

My enduring passion for technology fuels my ambitious goals. These include excelling as a full stack developer, pursuing a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence, and exploring the potentials of quantum computing in advancing deep learning algorithms. As I near the completion of my Computer Science degree, I view this as merely the commencement of a lifelong learning journey. Inspired by Monkey D. Luffy's relentless quest in 'One Piece', I am committed to continual growth and exploration in my field. The path ahead promises to be an extraordinary adventure!

If you would like to get in touch or discuss any opportunities, please send me a message on LinkedIn or contact me here.